
Europe Prepares for the Belle Époque

Europe and Worldwide

The second half of the nineteenth century saw the unification of both Germany and Italy. This led to the creation of two new states of a significant size and with a considerable population in the heart of the Old Continent, north and south of the Alps. Napoleon III’s Second French Empire persisted in France for around twenty years.

 A republican regime took back power after the defeat against Prussia. After the American Civil War, the US faced the Reconstruction era. In the meantime, the colonisation of the American West continued with the arrival of millions of emigrants from Europe. 

Switzerland and Ticino

With the Constitution of 12 September 1848, Switzerland became a federal state. Then, following the review of the Constitution in 1874, the duties of the Confederation and civil rights were increased. In Ticino, the capital was transferred permanently and definitively to Bellinzona in 1881.

Henry Dunant. Inventore del diritto umanitario. Stese i i principi di quella che diverrà la Croce Rossa. Questi principi confluiranno nelle Convenzioni di Ginevra, firmate nel 1864. Nel 1901 riceve il Premio Nobel per la pace.
Con la Costituzione del 1848 la Svizzera diventa uno Stato federale

During the second half of the nineteenth century, Ticino continued to experience migration from the valleys to northern Europe, the Americas and Australia, but it also saw an influx of immigrants from northern Italy. This provided the necessary manpower for the construction of the St Gotthard and Monte Ceneri railway tunnels, which came into use in 1882.  

Progetto del telefono inventato da Alexander Graham Bell

Technology, Science, Customs and Society

Louis Pasteur sperimenta il metodo che prenderà il suo nome: la pastorizzazione
Charles Darwin pubblica “L’origine della specie”

The western world continued to place more and more trust in the positive power of progress thanks to rapid technological developments and new inventions and scientific discoveries. This new knowledge contributed to what could be described as a Second Industrial Revolution.

Il chimico Alfred Nobel brevetta la dinamite
Locandina pubblicitaria per il cinematografo dei Lumière
Il quadro di Monet considerato ispiratore del movimento impressionista

Over-production also led to the first major depression during the last few decades of the century. In order to obtain raw materials more easily and open up new markets, European countries therefore began to implement colonisation campaigns.

La Danse au Moulin Rouge di Toulouse-Latrec. Il locale parigino fu simbolo della Belle époque. Foto: Rodney su licenza CC BY-SA 2.0
1897. Lo svizzero Matthias Zurbriggen conquista la vetta più alta delle Americhe: l’Aconcagua. Nella foto, primo da sinistra, in Tasmania
Rappresentazione di una partita di calcio dal libro Atletica e calcio, 1894