High Speed

1950 - 2000

The second half of the twentieth century saw the development of trains able to travel at more than 200 km/h – so-called high-speed trains. In Europe, in the new millennium, we now consider lines that allow speeds of over 250 km/h to be high-speed. The first countries to trial high-speed trains were France, Germany, Japan and Italy. However, the country with the biggest high-speed network today is China.

Il treno italiano ad alta velocità Frecciarossa alla stazione centrale di MIlano
Il treno francese ad alta velocità TGV in transito nella regione del Rodano

Europe is one big city and the train is its metro 

Renzo Piano  

Treno ad alta velocità delle Ferrovie federali svizzere (SBB CFF FFS) diretto da Basilea a Milano

High-speed rail is somewhat problematic in Switzerland due to the terrain. Because of this, around 150 km of high-speed lines have been developed in Switzerland to date.

Un treno espresso attraversa i vigneti nei pressi di St. Saphorin, sul Lago Lémano, 1958 © FFS Historic
Un treno Cisalpino ETR 470 - © FFS Historic
Un treno “Swiss Express”, 1984 - © FFS Historic