
1800 - 1850

Due to the lack of roads suitable for carriages, watercourses were used to transport goods and people for centuries. For example, in the first half of the nineteenth century, the Gotthard mail coach used the ferry to travel more quickly across Lake Lugano, between Melide and Bissone. Transport was provided using large boats called “porto a remi”.

You would make a ship sail against the winds and currents by lighting a bonfire under her deck? I have no time for such nonsense

Napoleon Bonaparte 

Veduta del Lungolago dalla Riva Albertolli a Paradiso, sul Lago di Lugano (in primo piano il battello “Generoso”), 1890 circa

In the nineteenth century, transport via water was given new impetus thanks to the use of steamboats. The first to travel across the prealpine lakes were the “Verbano” and “Lario” steamers in 1826–7, owned by the Lombardo-Sardo-Ticinese firm. They were used on Lake Maggiore and Lake Como respectively.