The Radio Museum

The Radio Museum, managed by the Associazione Museo della Radio (AMRA), is housed in the national medium-wave radio station of Monte Ceneri, which was operational between 1933 and 2008.

Inaugurated in 2001, the museum showcases reproductions of devices used at the start of the history of radio, sound reproduction devices and vacuum tubes, as well as radio and television receivers and transmitters, mobile phone components, measurement devices and piped music elements.

“Stazione radio nazionale onde medie del Monte Ceneri” was launched on 18 April 1933 and was the first radio station in Canton Ticino, now forming part of the Canton’s Cultural Assets.

As well as promoting Italian culture within the Swiss Confederation, Radio Monte Ceneri was also appreciated for the music it played. Its microphones recorded the voices of names who went down in the history of music, including Josephine Baker, Juliette Greco and Claudio Villa.

Juliette Greco - © Nationaal Archief su licenza CC Pubblico dominio
Josephine Baker - © Nationaal Archief su licenza CC Pubblico dominio